
Adoration beats in my heart,
Praise sings in my soul,
Joy lightens my spirit,
And love makes me whole,

For You, my Jesus,
Are my life and my song;
For with You, my Jesus,
I forever belong.

Joyful are my days,
Peaceful every night,
Beautiful my moments,
Graced by Your light.

I find in Your presence
All that I need;
Your Living Water refreshes,
Your Word does feed.

Sing then I will
Of You, Lord and Love,
With my eyes ever fixed
On Heaven above.

You are my Everything,
You are all I see,
You are the One
I adore for all eternity.

You, my Jesus,
Are my life and my song,
With You, my Jesus,
I forever belong.

Yea, You are my joy,
Your love makes me whole,
So adoration beats in my heart,
Praise sings in my soul.

© Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway

Matthew 22:37
And he said to him,
You shall love
the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.

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