As I sit here in this lonely park
The leaves are falling from the trees
When I ride by in my wheelchair
I can hear the crunching of the leaves.

As I go along I see little animals at play
I come to a lake where fish are swimming by
Ducks are taking their nap, as it is getting late,
I love it here and I do not really want to go home
Who knows when I will visit here once more.

My special treat is when I see birds of every color
Singing a love song to their mate
Some are making a new nest to sleep in
They take such good care of each other,
I look in the lake to see my reflection
I see a lone butterfly, flying in the clouds
Such beauty to bestow....
Her wings, a pretty multi-colored rainbow.

I believe a butterfly is a reflection of ourselves
I do know, they are a gift from God alone
If one attaches itself to you
You can be one with the butterfly
In a moment, your mind can soar to the Heavens
Maybe even meet The Lord in the sky.

My butterfly was lost in the trees for a while
It made me a little sad when I could not find her
So I turned back to the fish and the ducks
They did not seem to have a care in the world.

Suddenly, out of the blue my little butterfly
Sat on my hand, much to my jubilee
I could hear her wings make a noise
I believe she was trying to sing to me
As the bird did a while ago,
Somehow it was different now
I felt a oneness with God,
who sent this loveliness for me to know.

My little butterfly became a reflection of myself
Until we became one with The Lord,
who sees everything,
I felt now, if I wanted to see,
I too could fly over the rainbow
It was a miracle for me.

So whenever I see a butterfly
I think of those I love, who love me
When I smile with happiness
This lovely creature,
Smiles back my own reflection, perfectly.

Linda Ann Henry © 2004
Do you remember me
The people's poet

May we all dream of butterflies
And flying over the rainbow

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Free As the Wind
by Yuko Ohigashi

Artwork © Alan Giana
Used with permission.
