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Dreidel by ACW Graphics

Come, O house of Jacob,
Let us walk in the light of the LORD.

Isaiah 2:5

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~ Come, Spin The Driedel ~

Come, we will spin the driedel
On our celebration day,
Come we will play the game together
To see what it may say.

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Praise God, we'll feast on Rugelach
Sufganiot donuts and mandelbrot,
Hannukah poppyseed candy
And potato latkes very hot.

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For our eight full nights of light
Of rededication, mitzvah peace,
As we light the shabbat candle first
For miracles to never cease.

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A Festival of household blessing
Our prayer for all this day,
To celebrate the second canture
Our blessed eight day holiday.

"Happy Hanakkuh To You"

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © August 2009
Poetry From The Heart

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