Every Season......

The cold wind blows,
A chill runs through me,
Colorful leaves fall
From each and every tree.

My breath I can see
In the cool Autumn air,
Many hints of winter
Whisper in my ear.

The days grow shorter,
The nights grow long,
I crave to be in Your arms
So warm, so strong.

For Jesus, my Jesus,
I am warm when with You;
The love of Your heart
Ever shines through.

So the winds can howl,
The leaves can fly,
The signs of winter
Can beckon my eye.

Yet through and through
So very warm I feel,
As I experience Your love
Ever true, ever real.

Winter and spring,
Summer and fall,
You bring Sunshine to each,
Yes, Sunshine to all.

Though my breath I can see
In the cool Autumn air,
Though hints of winter
Now whisper in my ear,

You, my Lord Jesus,
Continually warm me,
I will be with You every season,
Yes, for all eternity!

©Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway

Genesis 8:22
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night,"

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