Blessing for you.....


I wish for you flowers,
upon a dreary day;
And for God to create blessings,
every time you pray.

I wish for you a heart
that is filled with love;
So that you may be blessed by Him,
with wonderful things from Above.

I pray that you shall be blessed
as you go out,
and as you come in;
And that you'll see the hand of God moving,
time and time again.

I pray for peace to flood your very soul,
and for goodness to follow you. . .
His comfort to make you whole.

I pray for your heart to forgive,
whenever trespassed by others;
and that you'll be generous to your neighbors,
and, also, to your brothers.

I pray there will be no darkness
to cast its shadows of gray;
and that all your cares shall be light,
as you pass along Life's way.

I pray for you a pathway,
which is filled with cheerful flowers;
and that the garden of your heart will grow,
and produce God's loving power.

©Sandra Lewis Pringle

Psalm 21:6
Surely you have granted
him unending blessings
and made him glad
with the joy of your presence.

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