In All Things (I SEE YOU)  ......

As leaves gracefully dance,
Jesus, I see You;
In the smiling sunflowers,
Lord, I see You too.

In the grand waterfalls,
In the flowing fountains,
In the splashing waves,
In the towering mountains

I see You in all things,
For in all things You are;
You are in the ocean bed
And in the highest star.

You are before all things,
In You all things hold together;
You are in the snow flakes
And in the summer weather.

I shall sing Your praises
With all of the earth;
In You, sweet Jesus,
We find rebirth.

You are in the ocean bed
And in the highest star;
You reign in all things,
Whether near or far.

In the grand waterfalls,
In the flowing fountains,
In the splashing waves,
In the towering mountains,

In the leaves dancing,
And in the sunflowers too,
My Jesus, in all things
I see glorious You.


Caroline Gavin ŠSept 2012
Purposeful Pathway

He is before all things,
and in him all things
hold together.
Colossians 1:17

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