A miracle of life written by Linda Ann Henry with love and brought to you from alighthouse.com with love.........

A miracle of life written by Linda Ann Henry with love and brought to you from alighthouse.com with love.........

The first time I took a breath, that was a miracle of life
When I opened my eyes, I saw through the window
The beauty of the blue sky
I saw a miracle of life
As I took my first steps by myself,
I felt the grass in my toes
I had in me, a miracle of life
When I was hungry, I cried
When I looked at my playpen I laughed
These are all a miracle of life
A miracle of life written by Linda Ann Henry with love and brought to you from alighthouse.com with love.........
When I went to school, in first grade
Everything looked strange, but I took the change
I found a miracle of life
When I hugged and kissed my mother and father,
I knew I was loved
Having that is a gift and a miracle of life
A miracle of life written by Linda Ann Henry with love and brought to you from alighthouse.com with love.........
The first time, I kneeled at my bed to say my prayers
I found my true father in Jesus
He gave me a miracle of life
When I went to church, I saw the beauty of God's Heaven
I whispered softly "This is a miracle of life"
I was made in God's image, I am a miracle of life.

© 2005Linda Ann Henry
Do you remember me
The people's poet

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A miracle of life.... click here to share this lovely greeting with your friends and family......

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