Singing in the Rain.......

Rain drops dance
All ‘round me,
Splashing on the ground,
On leaves of the tree,

Proclaiming together
Of a God great and vast,
Singing together
Of the First and the Last.

For countless are these drops,
Too many to see,
Yet vaster is God’s love,
He loves me infinitely.

So though the skies
Are donned in dark gray,
I see in my spirit
The bright Son of noonday.

My Jesus, sweet Jesus,
Is here amidst it all;
I hear His loving lyrics
As I hear the rain fall:

"Today and tomorrow,
Now and forevermore,
Daughter, I love you,
Of this please be sure."

"More than the many
Raindrops you now hear
Is the love I have for you,
So, My child, never fear."

"Whether skies are dark
Or smiling blue and bright,
Forever is My love,
Eternal is My light."

Yes, I hear my Jesus
Singing in the rain;
With the kiss of each drop
He washes away my pain.

So I sing in the rain
Of my God great and vast,
Yes, I sing with joy
Of the First and the Last.

And as rain drops dance
All ‘round me,
I hear my Jesus sing
He loves me infinitely!

Caroline Gavin ©Nov. 2013
Purposeful Pathway

Psalm 72:6
"May he be like rain that falls on the
mown grass, like showers that water the earth!"

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