Please don't walk away from me,
It will surely be my end.
You have been my true love,
My soul mate and best friend.

I know that your soul is tortured,
As my spirit is crumbling too.
We have been apart far too long,
My heart aches to be with you.

Every day that passes by,
I think of the miles between us.
Wanting to conquer all these obstacles.
Yet feeling so very powerless.
Each night is so full of discontent,
Being in slumber all alone.
Only dreaming our dream we have,
A life together of our very own.

All the moments that we have shared,
Have been so precious and too few.
If only we could be together again,
Our love could flourish and sparkle anew.

I have prayed so much and hoped,
That fate should be so kind.
To bring the two of us together again,
Completely in body, soul, and mind.
Please have faith my love,
Always easier said than done.
Never forget all we have and share together,
As one day, we'll forever be as one.

Written by
James R. Greene © 10-05-2006

I Love You

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