Symphony: The Life Song.....
Symphony: The Life Song.....

The movement of my life
A symphony does make
Adding verses to the song
From the time I awake

Following my Lord
The notes ring more sweet
My life song more lovely
Since my Lord I did meet

Even the solemn notes
Have a beautiful place
So that the trials I now
Can gratefully embrace

The pauses and rests
Are meaningful too
Distinguishing the notes
The pauses certainly do

Yes, rest lends beauty
To the symphony of life
As do the trials
And the periods of strife

To You, Lord, I devote
My life song each day
May my life song ring
With beauty, I pray

Enjoying the pauses
And the bitter notes too
For both sweeten a song
In ways I never knew

Today and every day
May our lives of Christ sing
Glory and Honor to God
May our songs always bring


© Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway

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