I want to stay with you, dear Jesus
I will not run away, when they take You
I wish I could walk behind You,
As they decide your fate

I want to stand by You as they beat you
Until you fall to your knees
I could wash the blood that flows
And cry the tears that You are too weak to show.
Burden Of The Cross
Might I help hold You up as much as I can
You are the King of Kings, the greatest man
May I go with You as you carry your cross
I feel so bad that people You love, must see you so.

When they put the nails in Your hands and feet
The thorns on Your head, make me cry
I wish I knew what to say to you
and the reason why.
Burden Of The Cross
Can I be with You as you take your last breath
I look around and I see miracles before my very eyes
You, The Lord Jesus makes them, that is why
When You die, I know that "eternal life" begins
That is why the Lord Jesus died for our sins.

© 2005 Linda Ann Henry
Do you remember me
The people's poet

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;
for they know not what they do.
And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
Luke 23:34

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