Jesus Water of Life.......

Water of Life.......


Lord, pour me a cup of your water of life
that will cause me to not thirst again.
It is refreshing as a cool morning breeze
it satisfies my soul as I slowly drink in.

I sit at the well and wait each morning
because I need to be filled every day.
Never a time have I been disappointed
because you are so willing to come my way.

The well is so deep I can't draw it myself
Lord, I am fully dependent on you.
If you didn't give a fresh daily supply
I surely don't know what I would do.

I will keep drinking your life giving water
and when I meet others I gladly will tell.
That if they want joy to fill their soul
come along with me and sit by the well.

Eddie Roush © Sept.2010

John: 4:14.....
but the water that I shall give
him shall be in him a well of water
springing up into evelasting life.

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