Who Am I.......

The glory of the sun
Warms the earth in brilliance;
The powerful winds
Make the leaves to dance.

The stars are as diamonds
Sparkling in the night;
The moon reveals the seasons,
In the darkness a light.

Obey the rhythm of the tide
Do the oceans vast;
All of nature sings of You,
Almighty First and Last.

Who am I, my Lord,
That You should think of me?
I am a mere mortal,
You have reigned eternally.

All of my days, my Lord,
I shall sing of You;
Who am I, Jesus,
That my heart You renew?

I shall obey Your ways
As do the oceans vast;
With nature I sing of You,
Almighty First and Last.

Jesus, You are a Diamond,
Sparkling in the night;
You are my Compass, my Guide,
In the darkness a Light.

Your glory, O Son,
Warms my soul in brilliance;
The power of Your love
Makes my heart to dance.

© Caroline Gavin Oct. 2012
Purposeful Pathway

Psalm 8:3-4
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

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