Treasures You Find.............

Precious you are, child,
Come now and see
The treasures you find
When you abide in Me.

My light eternal
Brightens your way,
Paving your path
As you travel each day.

My mercy unending
Washes away your sin,
And in this cleansing
New life does begin.

My truth unerring
Is your perfect guide
As in My heart
You faithfully abide.

My hope boundless
Ever fixes your eyes
On eternal treasures,
On the perfect prize.

My joy radiant
Shines in you,
Bringing smiles and song
To all that you do.

None can compare
To the treasures I give,
So allow Me to enrich
The life you live.

For precious you are, child,
And always you will be,
So embrace treasures you find
When you abide in Me.

©Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway

John 15:7
If you abide in Me,
and My words abide in you,
ask whatever you wish,
and it will be done for you.

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