Triumphant Love....

What have I to worry?
What have I to fear?
Surely You, Jesus,
Are to me near.

No mountain too high,
No path too dreary,
No challenge too strong,
No bone too weary,

For You, my Lord,
To find victory;
Yes, Your triumphant love
Is in all I see:

In the birds flying,
In the flowers growing,
In the trees dancing,
In the streams flowing,

In the graceful dance
Of the clouds above,
Yes, all are the fruit
Of Your sweet love.

So I will not worry,
I will not fear,
For You, Lord Jesus,
Are always here.

You carry me
In Your arms so strong,
You remind me of love
Wide, deep and long,

You sing sweetly
Of Heaven awaiting,
With angels in chorus
Ever celebrating.

So to You, Beloved,
I will cling,
Of You, sweet Jesus,
I will sing.

Surely You lead me
In paths of victory;
Yes, Your triumphant love
Is in all I see.

No mountain too high,
No path too dreary,
No challenge too strong,
No bone too weary...

For Your love
Melts away each fear,
So to You, Lord Jesus,
I will stay near!

Caroline Gavin İMarch 2014
Purposeful Pathway

Romans 8:38-39
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life,.
neither angels nor demons, neither the present.
nor the future, nor any powers, neither height.
nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,.
will be able to separate us from the love of God.
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

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